
Live Q&A: TTA Trade Mission to China 2024

  • 5 Jun 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM


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One of TTA's objectives is to help members to grow their businesses and provide relevant advice, guidance and support to enable them to do so. One aspect of this is helping members to access international markets.

To support this, TTA is actively advocating for member interests in key potential markets of opportunity around the world. One market in which members have expressed a great deal of interest is China, which is arguably the world's largest tuition market and where there is significant respect for British education as well as substantial barriers to entry that TTA can help its members to overcome.

Therefore, TTA is pleased to announce the launch of a trade mission to China in September this year. This is a unique opportunity for tuition businesses to attend a trade mission for the first time and be fully supported in building and further developing opportunities for their business abroad.

The Tutors' Association is a not-for-profit membership organisation (Company Number: 6729532). Our trading subsidiary is Tutoring for All Limited (Company Number: 12890164, VAT: 394501587). Registered Office: Knowle House, 38 York Road, Acomb, York, England. YO24 4LZ. TTA, TFA, The Tutors' Association, Tutoring for All and associated logos are trademarks. © The Tutors' Association. All rights reserved. Find out about our Privacy Policy here.

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